Open Source Alternative

At, our mission is to provide a comprehensive resource for individuals and businesses seeking open source alternatives to proprietary software. We believe that open source software offers a more transparent, secure, and cost-effective solution for users, and we are committed to promoting the use and development of open source technology.

Our website provides a platform for users to discover and learn about open source alternatives to popular software applications. We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, as well as helpful resources and guides to assist users in making informed decisions about their software choices.

We are dedicated to fostering a community of open source enthusiasts and developers, and we encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing among our users. Our goal is to empower individuals and businesses to take control of their technology and embrace the benefits of open source software.

Join us in our mission to promote open source alternatives and help build a more open, transparent, and collaborative future for technology.

Video Introduction Course Tutorial Cheat Sheet

Welcome to, a site dedicated to open source alternatives to software and proprietary software. This cheat sheet is designed to help you get started with the concepts, topics, and categories covered on the site.

What is Open Source Software?

Open source software is software that is freely available to use, modify, and distribute. It is created by a community of developers who collaborate on the code and make it available to anyone who wants to use it. Open source software is often seen as an alternative to proprietary software, which is owned by a company and requires a license to use.

Why Use Open Source Software?

There are many reasons to use open source software, including:

Categories of Open Source Software

Open source software can be divided into several categories, including:

Operating Systems

An operating system is the software that manages a computer's hardware and software resources. There are several open source operating systems available, including:

Office Suites

An office suite is a collection of software applications that are used for productivity tasks, such as word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations. There are several open source office suites available, including:

Web Browsers

A web browser is a software application that is used to access the internet. There are several open source web browsers available, including:

Graphics Software

Graphics software is used to create and edit images and graphics. There are several open source graphics software applications available, including:

Multimedia Software

Multimedia software is used to create and edit audio and video content. There are several open source multimedia software applications available, including:

Getting Started with Open Source Software

If you're new to open source software, here are some tips for getting started:

  1. Choose a category: Decide which category of open source software you want to explore first, such as operating systems, office suites, or web browsers.
  2. Research: Read reviews and user feedback to find the best open source software applications in your chosen category.
  3. Download: Download the software from the developer's website or from a trusted source.
  4. Install: Follow the installation instructions provided by the developer.
  5. Learn: Take some time to learn how to use the software by reading the documentation or watching tutorials.
  6. Contribute: If you find a bug or have a suggestion for improvement, consider contributing to the open source community by reporting the issue or submitting a patch.


Open source software is a powerful alternative to proprietary software that offers many benefits, including cost savings, flexibility, security, and community support. By exploring the categories of open source software and following the tips for getting started, you can discover new software applications that meet your needs and help you get more done.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Open source: Software that is freely available and can be modified and distributed by anyone.
2. Proprietary software: Software that is owned by a company and can only be used under certain conditions.
3. Free software: Software that is available for free and can be modified and distributed by anyone.
4. Open source license: A legal agreement that allows users to use, modify, and distribute open source software.
5. GNU General Public License: A popular open source license that allows users to use, modify, and distribute software freely.
6. Creative Commons: A set of licenses that allow creators to share their work with others under certain conditions.
7. Copyleft: A legal concept that allows users to modify and distribute open source software freely, as long as they release their modifications under the same license.
8. Fork: A new version of a software project that is created by copying the original code and modifying it.
9. Community: A group of people who work together to develop and improve open source software.
10. Contributor: Someone who contributes to an open source project by writing code, fixing bugs, or providing support.
11. Bug: An error or flaw in a software program that causes it to malfunction.
12. Patch: A small piece of code that fixes a bug or adds a new feature to a software program.
13. Version control: A system that tracks changes to a software project over time and allows multiple people to work on the same codebase.
14. Git: A popular version control system used by many open source projects.
15. GitHub: A web-based platform that allows developers to host and collaborate on open source projects.
16. Bitbucket: A web-based platform that allows developers to host and collaborate on open source projects.
17. SourceForge: A web-based platform that allows developers to host and collaborate on open source projects.
18. Stack Overflow: A popular online community where developers can ask and answer technical questions.
19. Linux: An open source operating system that is widely used in servers, supercomputers, and embedded systems.
20. Ubuntu: A popular Linux distribution that is easy to use and comes with many pre-installed applications.

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